Friday, October 5, 2018

Free Download  3.1.3 for Android

Free Download 3.1.3 for Android

Download 3.1.3 For Free

Increase the size of your blob by picking up little balls while you escape the bigger players in, a simple, customizable and addictive game

You might say that this is the evolution of the classic game Snake, as the mechanics are very similar. In this space-themed game, you will control a ball or "blob" to make it travel to other balls so that it becomes bigger, at the same time you escape from bigger balls that can make you lose the round. However, the bigger your blob gets, the harder it will be for it to move.

Controls are simple: there is a joystick, a button to divide your mass into several "blobs" and a button to shoot a portion of your mass in the direction that you are moving. This attack will be especially useful to shoot the black holes and make them move. Besides, dividing your ball will help you move faster and escape your opponents. For Android Details

  • Name :
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 3.1.3
  • License : FREE
  • Required OS : Minimum operating system requirements: Android 4.1.
  • Developer : Simplicial Software, LLC
More than 500 skins complement the game, which we can use to dress our "blob". What is fun about this is that not all of them are unlocked in the same way. Likewise, you have the option to upload your own skin and add a personal touch to the game.

More than 500 skins complement the game, which we can use to dress our "blob". What is fun about this is that not all of them are unlocked in the same way. Likewise, you have the option to upload your own skin and add a personal touch to the game.

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