Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Free Download Origame  1.4.1 for Android

Free Download Origame 1.4.1 for Android

Download Origame 1.4.1 For Free

Origame is a game developed by Ketchapp in which you have to fold the pieces of paper on each level until you create the shape indicated by the dotted line

Everyone has heard about Japanese origami. Amongst other rules, this art doesn't allow any sort of cut and is always based on a rectangular or square piece of paper. And Ketchapp has based the development of their new title called Origame on this discipline.

Once we download and install the APK file, we'll come across dozens of levels of progressive difficulty in which we have to fold a piece of paper as many times as possible to get the share that adapts to the dotted line as indicated.

Origame For Android Details

  • Name : Origame
  • Operating System : Android
  • Current Version: 1.4.1
  • License : FREE
  • Required OS : Minimum operating system requirements: Android 5.0.
  • Developer : Ketchapp
As we gradually advance through the levels, we'll earn rubies which we can use to unlock different pieces of paper with all sorts of drawings and patterns. We can also increase the rubies won on each level or simply increase our total score watching adverts on videos. We do have to point out that Ketchapp never spares on adverts. Apart from the voluntary ads to earn more precious stones, we will have to watch adverts every two levels unless we pay three and a half dollars by means of an in-app purchase.

As we gradually advance through the levels, we'll earn rubies which we can use to unlock different pieces of paper with all sorts of drawings and patterns. We can also increase the rubies won on each level or simply increase our total score watching adverts on videos. We do have to point out that Ketchapp never spares on adverts. Apart from the voluntary ads to earn more precious stones, we will have to watch adverts every two levels unless we pay three and a half dollars by means of an in-app purchase.

If you're looking for the latest version of Origame for Android, You have come to the right place. You can download Origame for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Apps

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